Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Surviving Day 3

Sorry I missed a day! So far, I'm doing ok. Staying strong. I woke up feeling like a cold was coming on, congested, sore throat and heavy eyes. It might be a cold, but I did some reading today, and apparently, it might be my body detoxing. What? You say? Along with becoming a Vegan for a month, I am also researching Veganism. Today I went to and read a blurb from Alicia Silverstone's new book, The Kind Diet and in there was a paragraph on what your body goes through. According to research, when you detox your body, one of the symptoms is congestion. Hm! I'm almost convinced. But the reading I am doing is putting a whole new perspective on the idea of becoming Vegan. I believe a lot of what I'm reading because a lot of the information is from doctors & professors who spend their days researching this exact thing. I read some of The Kind Diet and The Face on Your Plate and both state that the human body is not designed to consume animal byproducts. Animal meat is filled with bad fats and sits in our bodies making us feel heavy & full. Cows are injected with hormones and sperm to always be pregnant so that they always produce milk. After about 12 pregnancies, they are slaughtered. When they produce a girl, that cow has the same life as her mom. When they have a boy, he is tied up and not allowed to walk and then slaughtered for veal. So by supporting the milk industry, you are supporting the veal industry. Sick huh?? I'm in no way trying to convert anyone into the Vegan lifestyle, but a lot of light has been shown on me and it's freaky. I feel I have to share it.

On a lighter note, I'm eating great, having more energy (despite the congestion), and staying Vegan! The hardest part of it all is making every tummy in our house happy. Ryan is NOT converting at all! Lorelai is doing great and eats most of the things I make. I let her have milk in the mornings, eggs at breakfast, and daddy let her have chicken. After reading what I did (see above), I feel awful giving my child meat & dairy. The Eastern Cultures don't believe in Milk and they tend to live the longest, so maybe never having cow's milk again is not a bad thing. I have 25 more days to think this through, a lot of time to make up my mind. I kinda crave meat & dairy, but I think of what I read and it helps me stop myself. My willpower is kicking in big time!

Weight: 180lbs
Breakfast: Blueberry Oatmeal with Maple Syrup & Cinnamon, Coffee w/Hempmilk & choc syrup
Lunch: PB&J Sandwich on Whole Wheat Bread, Organic Apple & Organic Banana
Snack: Best Smoothie EVER! Frozen Strawberries, Banana, Hempmilk, scoop of Greenfood Powder & 1/4 cup of Nana's Granola! I felt full until 6pm!!
Dinner: Salad w/balsamic dressing & apple, Kale & White Bean Soup, Molasses Cornbread w/Vegan Butter & Honey. Sparkling water w/juice from a blood orange.
Dessert: Rice Dream Mint Ice Cream Cookie (VEGAN!)

Until tomorrow.......

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